Payroll Admin

Trust our team to simplify payroll management

When it comes to the security and functionality of your company, payroll processing should also provide the peace of mind that comes from knowing your deductions are accurate, your deposits are up to date and you’re in compliance with the latest regulations. That’s why at AssetHR we feel that only a bulletproof payroll processing system is good enough for our clients.

As a family business we understand that payroll isn’t just a financial matter, it’s a family matter.

Every week when the checks go out and deposits are made, you’re supplying the hardworking men and women of your work family with the financial means they need to live happy and healthy lives.

For many of our clients, AssetHR serves our clients in an outsourced payroll administration capacity. Our team ensures timely and accurate payroll processing, allowing you to leverage our team’s expertise for efficiency and precision with your payroll processing.

How we can help your business:

  • Handle unemployment administration, including processing of initial claims reports, reviewing and responding to unemployment claims, telephone interviewing when necessary, preparing both your organization and any participating parties for unemployment hearings if necessary

  • Identify and manage any changes in wage and tax laws, and ensure those updates are made for your payroll

  • Calculate and process any incentive and/or bonus payments

  • Tax Management

  • Prepare and provide payroll statements and reports in compliance with regulations

  • Review your time & attendance records, and follow up with your chain of command should any discrepancies arise; manage any applicable modifications/corrections from your team based on these reports

  • Support your team in developing consistent payroll procedures and identifying opportunities for greater efficiency/ effectiveness

  • Benefits integration and processing

  • Tax Management

  • Payroll access anytime, anywhere

  • Ensure your company information and employee data, such as demographics, salary adjustments, special payments, employee deductions, benefit accruals, tax allocations, earnings codes, etc., are up-to-date and accurate in iSolved, our state-of-the-art payroll management system

  • Ensure appropriate payroll accruals

  • Calculate and process any incentive and/or bonus payments

  • Payroll Direct Deposit

  • Enforce payroll policies with your employees, answer payroll inquiries, solve any payroll problems that may arise


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